Copy of Help Ukraine

Starting today, our shop will be collecting much needed items to be sent to the Ukraine via the Meest Canada who are collecting humanitarian aid donations to be shipped to Ukraine. All packages will be delivered into Ukraine to our Meest Humanitarian Fund in Lviv and distributed to selected Ukrainian charity relief organizations who will distribute goods all throughout Ukraine.
I urge anyone who can, to please take a few minutes to purchase what you can to those who need it most. Get full details and info about Meest and all they are doing for Ukraine here.
What to Donate
Please note that NO FOOD is being accepted at this time, instead see below the lists of items that are requested and in urgent need:
(No Spray, Liquids, Alcohol Based First-Aid Kits)
Military Gear & Clothing
Shelter/Protective Gear
Drop Off at our store Wed-Sat 11 am - 5 pm
Please drop off any of these items to The Old Country Shop at 355 Roncesvalles Avenue anytime between 11am-5pm Wednesday through Saturday.
We will be delivering directly to the Meest office who has several flights out every week to get these items quickly to those who need it most.
Thank you to everyone for your generosity and support.
Please help!
Ukraine needs us!